Stick Empires Wiki
Stick Empires Wiki

Crawlers act as the Chaos equivalent of the Swordwrath/Shadowrath.

Crawler FULL

A crawler.


Crawler Box

Crawlers are often referred to as cats because of the similar appearance. They have claws, a tail and a spiked head (that being the only non-feline part of the crawler).



Blue eyes crawler in the armoury

Health 1 Bar Unarmoured (9HP)


Medium (Pack Mentality)



High (Predatory Edge)

Cost 100 Gold
Training Time 11 Seconds
Population 1

Note: The Stick Empires community has no numerical information on Damage or Speed for Chaos Units, so these values are merely comparative. 


The Crawler has two abilities, which passively increase the Crawler's viability. 

Pack Mentality[]

Pack mentality

Increasing the amount of Crawlers in your army will greatly increase the damage of all Crawlers stacking up to 5 times. This ability does massive damage and really helps to deal with massed swords. Most effective when combined with Predatory Edge.

Predatory Edge[]

Predatory edge

Predatory Edge upgrade allows a massive increase in a Crawler's run speed. Using this ability, you will be able to chase down archers with ease, combined with Pack Mentality you will become a killer.


Bomber Crawlers

Bombers are often used in conjunction with crawlers in the early game to engage swords and archers.

Crawlers are normally used as the starting unit for Chaos, as the only other Chaos unit available at the start is the Bomber, miner, and the Castle Unit. Crawlers have a fast attack animation, this allows you to "cancel animation" and defeat Swordwraths easily if done correctly. The effectiveness of using Crawlers is maximised if used in conjunction with bombers, with the Crawlers protecting the Bombers to prevent premature detonation.


  • Crawlers have been buffed in the past by reducing their build time from 12 seconds to the current 11.
  • If a Spearton kills a Crawler it will show an animation of the Crawler jumping and then the Spearton thrusts his spear through it's chest, killing it, then planting his foot on the dead Crawler.