Alright, since you can't seem to get the real stats of each units..
Imma list the Health and DMG of each units all here:
Miner: 65 HP (90 with Miner Hustle), 4 (+2 Bonus DMG to Armoured)
Miner Wall Health: 400
Swordwrath: 85 HP, 9 (+6 Bonus DMG to Armoured), Health lost from Rage: 15
Archidon: 55 HP, 9 (+4 Bonus DMG to Unarmoured), 0.0886 Fire DMG
Castle Archidon: 14 DMG, 8 Splash DMG
Meric: 180 HP, 8 DMG, Heals 20 HP
Magikill: 200 HP, 5 DMG, Blast: 20 DMG, Poison Spray DMG: 10, Electric Wall DMG: 16
Spearton: 400 HP, 12 (+5 Bonus DMG to Unarmoured), Shield Wall DMG Reduction: 37.5%, Shield Bash DMG: 25
Shadowrath: 250 HP, 14 (+5 Bonus DMG to Unarmoured), Fixate/Fury Stack Amount: 5, Fixate/Fury Stack DMG: 5, Shinobi T1 DMG: 25 to Armoured 50 to Unarmoured, Shinobi T2 DMG: 100 to Armoured, 200 to Unarmoured
Albowtross: 135 HP, 15 (+2 Bonus DMG to Armoured), 0.033 DMG from Blazing Bolts, +4 Fire DMG to Armoured
Enslaved Giant: 800 HP (1100 with Giant Growth 1, 1500 with Giant Growth 2), 30 (+25 Bonus DMG to Armoured)
Unit Passive Heal Rate: 3.3%
Enslaved Miner: 65 HP (90 with Miner Hustle), 4 (+2 to Armoured)
Miner Tower Health: 250, Miner Tower DMG: 20 (+4 to Armoured)
Crawler: 55 HP, 5 (+2 Bonus DMG to Unarmoured), Pack Mentality: 1.2 Stack DMG per Crawler, 5 Stacks Max
Dead: 175 HP, 8 (+5 Bonus DMG to Armoured), 6 Poison DMG
Castle Dead: 10 (+14 Bonus DMG to Armoured), 6 Poison DMG
MarrowKai: 250 HP, 20 DMG, Hell Fists DMG: 45, Reaper DMG: 40
Medusa: 250 HP, Stone Face DMG: 300 DMG to Armoured, 400 DMG to Unarmoured, Poison Pool Poison DMG: 9
Bomber: 20 HP, 20 Explosion DMG (+5 DMG to Armoured), 6.25% Fire DMG
JuggerKnight: 400 HP, 15 (+5 Bonus DMG to Unarmoured), Charge DMG: 25, Charge Stun Time: 3.33
Eclipsor: 90 HP, 13 (+5 Bonus DMG to Unarmoured),
Giant: 1000 HP (1350 with Giant Growth 1, 1800 with Giant Growth 2), 35 (+25 Bonus DMG to Armoured), Stun Time: 1.5 Sec
Chompler: 65 HP (90 with Miner Hustle), 4 (+2 Bonus DMG to Armoured),
Earth Elemental: 100 HP, 7 (+6 Bonus DMG to Armoured Units), Stun Time: 1.5 Sec
Water Elemental: 150 HP, Heals 65 HP max 260 HP (Heals 175 HP max 875 HP with Advanced Healing Upgrade)
Air Elemental: 85 HP, 23 (+7 Bonus DMG to Armoured)
Castle Air Elemental: 20 DMG, 8 Splash DMG, 5.33% Fire DMG
Fire Elemental: 100 HP, 10 (+7 Bonus DMG to Armoured), 8.08% Burn DMG
Charrog: 650 HP, 10 (+4 Bonus DMG to Armoured), Radiant Heat DMG: 0.1, Unburrow DMG: 50, Unburrow Stun Duration: 2 Secs
Cycloid: 250 HP, 20 (+5 Bonus DMG to Armoured), Tornado DMG: 30, Tornado Stun Duration: 4 Secs
Infernos: 225 HP, 4 (+2 Bonus DMG to Armoured), Fire DMG: 0.5, Vastolis DMG: 70, Fire Rain DMG: 7, Meteor Shower DMG: 25,
Treature: 500 HP, Death Blossom DMG: 30, Death Blossom Life Steal: 1, Death Blossom Life Steal Duration: 1.33 Secs
Scorpling: 60 HP (85 with Scorpling Upgrade), 7 (+3 Bonus DMG to Unarmoured), 6 Poison DMG with Scorpling Upgrade II
V: 200 HP, 30 (+5 Bonus DMG to Unarmoured), Clones will have 33% less DMG without Clone Upgrade
Scorch: DMG: 50, Burn DMG 1