Hi, as you may know, flash player dies in late november, and with it, all of this game.
However, i have found a way to keep playing it. Note that i am using chrome as the browser i play in, and that i dont know how the process is on other browsers.
Ok, so, first thing you will need is a .swf file player. go to this website:(www.swffileplayer.com) and download that program, its free and safe. Sometimes your antivirus might catch it saying that its a dangerous program, i assuure you its not.
Anyways, moving on, copy and paste this into your browser: https://s3.amazonaws.com/stickempires/versions/stickempires2.29.swf
A download should start, sooner or later. After that, open the .swf file player. click on file, and then on open, and go to the "Downloads" folder, then click on "stickempires 2.29" wait for it to read the file, and then click the "Play" button, the game should start now.
if it doesnt, ask in the replies, or see if there are any that are like your problem, because i didnt run into any issues whilst making this.
Now that i think about it, i wonder if anyone will really see this. I hope so.