Buildings = one page that just tells all about buildings. Non-important to gameplay, so it's small.
Skills = category page = brief summary over everything, then more detail on short, concise seperate pages.
Got it?
Buildings = one page that just tells all about buildings. Non-important to gameplay, so it's small.
Skills = category page = brief summary over everything, then more detail on short, concise seperate pages.
Got it?
Now there have 2 building page in this wiki.
first is this build for more than 3 month
and new page DAZ just build it for a while
I want to know what you want to do with this?
@SWizard So I just realised. I'll chuck it all into Buildings and move it apart from Game Mechanics, I think.
They're seperate.
Homepage -> Skills Summary -> Skill Page (Short, concise, easy to read.)
Homepage -> Buildings (Describe what Skills/Units researched/produced) -> Link to Skills/Units Page
Wait, but it still holds true that there are two building pages... what are you going to do about it :P
Anyway, coolz. Thanks for the info.